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2 posts
Learning Should Be Your Top 2013 New Year’s Resolution
Make learning and development a key resolution in 2013. If you're a startup, you are by definition competing with the smartest people in the world - either large companies or fellow entrepreneurs who are hoping to disrupt large companies. Your skills can both enrich you and increase the chance of serendipity, the "magic" moment when seemingly unrelated concepts form an orignal thought in your head.
20 US Startup Trends: Get Inspired and Launch in Your Country
Alley Insider, one of my favorite tech blogs, published an interesting post yesterday, titled "If We Hear About Any More Startups Like These, We'll Scream", listing some of the latest startup trends in idea buckets. Their frustration is coming from the sheer number of startups doing the same thing in the US, but for all of us living out of the US, the question should be: Is it currently being done right your country?