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2 posts
My 2025 VC Survey: A Recap and Some Predictions
Earlier this week, Calcalist, Israel’s leading business newspaper launched their 2025 VC Survey with my thoughts on 2024…
- AeroScout
- Altair Semiconductors
- amimon
- amobee
- Anobit
- Battery Ventures
- benchmark
- benchmark capital
- Blumberg Capital
- Boxee
- Boxee Box
- BroadLight
- Carmel Ventures
- cedar fund
- Celeno
- Celeno Communications
- celtro
- clarizen
- Conduit
- ConteXtream
- Cotendo
- Cvidya
- Cyber—Ark
- dbMotion
- Entrepreneurs
- eToro
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Partners
- Evergreen Venture Partners
- eXalate
- ExLibris
- gemini
- Gemini Israel Fund
- Gemini Israel Funds
- Gemni
- Genesis
- Genesis Partners
- Imperva
- kontera
- Mobileye
- Mobixell Networks
- N-trig
- Netformx
- Objet
- outbrain
- Peer39
- Plenus
- Pontis
- Powermat
- Primesense
- RedBend
- Siano
- SolarEdge
- SolarEdge Technologies
- Soluto
- Surf Solution
- TaKaDu
- tamir fishman
- The Time
- Varonis
- VC Cafe
- venture capital
- Venture Capital Funds
- vertex
- Vertex Venture Capital
- Wanova
- Waze
- WhiteSmoke
- wix
- wixpress
- Xbox Kinect
- Zend
Special: Top 50 Israeli Startups for 2011
For the third consecutive year, Israeli financial newspaper Calcalist put together a list of the top 50 startups in Israel (in Hebrew). VC Cafe took note to bring you the full list of top 50 Israeli startups in English: PowerMat, Broadlight, Conduit, PrimeSense, Objet, Kenshoo, Imperva, Anobit, DoubleVerify, Wix, SuperDerivatives, AeroScout, Siano, Waze, TaKaDu, ExLibris, SolarEdge, Adsmarket, (Matomy), dbMotion, RADWIN, cVidya, Boxee, N—trig, Cotendo, Varonis, Kontera, Outbrain, RedBend, Mobixell, Celeno, AMIMON, Pontis, Gigya, Clarizen, Mobileye, Celtro, Altair, Amobee, WhiteSmoke, Cyber—Ark, OpTier, Wanova, ConteXtream, eXelate, Peer39, Netformx, Tradonomi (eToro), Surf, Zend, Soluto