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7 posts
Kindling Early B2C Growth: Getting to 1,000 Users
“When building for your first thousand users, you’re not looking for statistical significance – you’re looking for insights.…
Consumer startups still got Mojo
The rumours on the death of consumer startups have been greatly exaggerated, it seems. Enterprise seems to be…
The State of Consumer Tech in Israel in 2023
While Israeli startups successes are well known in the B2B space (cybersecurity, enterprise tech, devops…), B2C startups are…
Are you telling a story or pitching features?
Storytelling is a powerful tool for any brand, and it’s especially important for consumer products. When a company…
What’s a better return on investment: Enterprise or consumer tech?
Venture Capital is driver by power laws, meaning that a small percentage of companies drive the majority of…
Clubhouse put a big bullseye on social audio
I’ve previously written about Clubhouse (What makes Clubhouse great and what may cause its demise). Perhaps it’s boredom,…
What do you know about Consumer startups in Israel?
What do you know about Israeli B2C startups? In this post I shine a spotlight on the consumer segment in Israel and explore the trends in consumer tech in Israel.