Startup Resources

Modern startup tech stack

startups for startups
Updated Business tools for Startups

Every startup faces multiple choices and decisions when it comes to technology. Whether you’re wondering what site search you should use or what is the best email marketing tool, knowledge is power. A group of Seedcamp entrepreneurs started a startup tools wiki for that purpose, and we thought it would be well suited here. For modifications, please edit the original document here. An additional list of business resources for startups is available here.

October 2024 update – startup tech stack

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this page, but it’s about time to refresh the startup tech stack

The following list of recommended startup tech stack was originally published in May 2024 by New Economies. While the tools may vary, it’s good approximation of the stack startups embrace in 2024. It’s worth saying that many of these tools have a risk to be completely commoditised by autonomous AI agents. More on that soon!

Company NameShort DescriptionCategoryLink
SupabaseOpen-source Firebase alternativeProduct
FrontitudeProduct specifications tool for teamsProduct
StackOneCollaborative platform for product managementProduct
RetoolLow-code platform to build internal toolsProduct
BudibaseLow-code platform for web applicationsProduct
LinearIssue tracking and project managementProduct
PendoProduct experience and user insight platformProduct
ResendEmail delivery API for developersProduct
SentryError monitoring and performance trackingProduct
GitHubSoftware development and version controlProduct
CloudflareWeb performance and security solutionsSecurity / KYC
Auth0 by OktaIdentity and access management solutionSecurity / KYC
ThoropassCompliance automation for security frameworksSecurity / KYC
VantaContinuous security monitoring and complianceSecurity / KYC
1PasswordPassword manager for secure authenticationSecurity / KYC
AdopttechSecurity and KYC platformSecurity / KYC
OnfidoIdentity verification and KYC solutionsSecurity / KYC
ParallelCompliance and process management toolSecurity / KYC
TermlyCompliance solutions for websitesSecurity / KYC
TallySimplified form builder for websitesMarketing
LoopsMarketing automation platformMarketing
FramerDesign and prototyping toolMarketing
BubbleNo-code app development platformMarketing
TypeformInteractive forms for surveys and lead captureMarketing
WebflowVisual website builderMarketing
Beautiful.aiAI-powered presentation softwareMarketing
UnbounceLanding page builderMarketing
BufferSocial media scheduling and marketing toolMarketing
ChargebeeSubscription billing and revenue managementFintech / Insurance
BrexBusiness financial services and credit cardsFintech / Insurance
StripeOnline payment processing for businessesFintech / Insurance
MercuryBanking services for startupsFintech / Insurance
RampCorporate card and expense managementFintech / Insurance
MapleFinancial services for businessesFintech / Insurance
VouchBusiness insurance for startupsFintech / Insurance
MeowCash management and investment platformFintech / Insurance
WhimsicalVisual collaboration and diagramming toolCollaboration / Project Mgmt
MiroOnline whiteboard platform for collaborationCollaboration / Project Mgmt
ClickUpAll-in-one productivity platformCollaboration / Project Mgmt
monday.comWork operating system for teamsCollaboration / Project Mgmt
TrelloVisual project management toolCollaboration / Project Mgmt
ZenhubProject management for GitHubCollaboration / Project Mgmt
NotionAll-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, and wikiCollaboration / Project Mgmt
SlackTeam communication and collaboration toolCollaboration / Project Mgmt
DeelPayroll and compliance for international teamsHR
RemoteGlobal HR, payroll, and benefitsHR
KadenceHybrid Workplace Management SoftwareHR
OysterGlobal employment platformHR
GustoPayroll, benefits, and HRHR
JustworksPayroll and benefits for small businessesHR
RipplingHR and IT management platformHR
EquityListCap table and equity managementFundraising
VisibleInvestor relations platformFundraising
CartaCap table and equity management softwareFundraising
PulleyEquity management for startupsFundraising
LedgyEquity management and financial reportingFundraising
MixpanelProduct analytics for mobile and webAnalytics & Insights
PostHogOpen-source product analytics toolAnalytics & Insights
New RelicApplication performance monitoringAnalytics & Insights
HotjarWebsite heatmaps and behavior insightsAnalytics & Insights
AppsFlyerMobile attribution and analyticsAnalytics & Insights
IntercomCustomer communication platformCustomer Service
FreshworksCustomer engagement and CRM softwareCustomer Service
ZendeskCustomer support and sales softwareCustomer Service
FrontCustomer communication and inbox toolCustomer Service
DigitalOceanCloud infrastructure for developersCloud
OVHcloudCloud services and web hostingCloud
VercelFrontend cloud platformCloud
NAVER CloudCloud computing servicesCloud
AWSCloud computing and storage servicesCloud
Google CloudCloud computing and data managementCloud
Apollo.ioSales intelligence and engagement platformSales
ZoomInfoB2B sales and marketing dataSales
ClayRelationship intelligence platformSales
MunchCreate short form clips for social mediaProductivity
LoomVideo messaging platform for teamsProductivity
Cal.comOpen-source scheduling softwareProductivity
DatabricksData analytics and AI platformData
StatistaMarket and consumer data platformData
MongoDBNoSQL database for modern applicationsData
PipedriveCRM and sales pipeline managementCRM
AttioCRM and data-driven relationship platformCRM
HubSpotCRM and inbound marketing softwareCRM
Customer.ioAutomated messaging platformAutomations
ZapierWorkflow automation platformAutomations
DocuSignDigital signatures and document managementLegal
PortDevOps platform for cloud developmentProduct & Dev Tools
OcularSecurity monitoring and observability platformProduct & Dev Tools
NangoAPI integrations platformProduct & Dev Tools
VisilyDesign tool for non-designersProduct & Dev Tools
SocketReal-time developer platformProduct & Dev Tools
OpsBerryDevOps observability and monitoringProduct & Dev Tools
FumeDebugging platform for backend developersProduct & Dev Tools
QuarryBusiness and sales analyticsProduct & Dev Tools

*May 2016* Product Hunt Collections

Product Hunt is a community of early adopters and founders, sharing and discussing new product launches, podcasts and more. It’s chucked full of insights for founders. Some examples:


*Added – August 2014* Productivity tools

  • Slack – connect the dots between different teams, tools and drives (Jira + Trello + Dropbox + Google Drive)
  • Campaign monitor build beautiful outbound emails and newsletters
  • Vungle – mobile monetization through video ads


*Added – Nov 2013* Outsourcing and talent, mobile engagement tools

Outsourcing/ talent markets

  • rentacoder
  • elance
  • 99designs

Mobile push notifications/app engagement

*Added – August 2013*  Lean Startup Tool List, HN Tools of the Trade, IL Venture and invoicing and recruiting tools for startups

*Added – March 2013* Startup Intelligence tools

Everything you needed to find information about startups. From premium paid subscription databases to free tools showcasing new startups and startup maps, The Ultimate Startup Intelligence Tools List is guaranteed to help you get your research done.


*Updated* Startups for Startups, Google Startup Tools and HackerNews Vendor List

Startups for startups – the top B2B tools used by Startups – Includes the list of top 50 startup vendors in 2012 by Vendorstack, a reviews and Q&A platform on enterprise vendors for startups and mid-market companies. Also includes the most popular platforms, based on a year of data on business buy and sell marketplace,

Google DevRel created a page of Google resources for startups – from the site’s description: “This site contains a selection of tools you will find useful when building, measuring, and enhancing your apps. Once you have a first version of your app running, you can use the tools on this site to get it into the hands of users and to get paid.”

Hackernews list of “Tools of the Trade” for startups – includes over 150 SaaS tools used by startups, and over 150 comments with interesting insights from founders. Also check out Tune Your Startup, who is trying to streamline these lists into one tool.

Tools for Hackathons – added Dec 2012

Based on the list posted on StartupWeekend Resources page and the TokBox blog


Windows Azure
Media Temple
Amazon Web Services

Online education and skill learning

Read post Why Learning should be your top 2013 new year’s resolution for a full list

App Sumo

Lean Methodology Sources
Steve Blank
Eric Ries

SW Courses

Steve Blank on Lean Customer Development
Part 1- Intro
Part 2- 3 tools for startups
Part 3- Lean Cust. action 
Part 4- Closing

Rand Fishkin
Inbound Marketing vs Interruption marketing

Start Spanish
Live Mocha
BBC Languages

Task Management

Project Management Tools
Pivotal Tracker

Mailing lists/groups
Google Groups

Google Forms
Survey Monkey

Personal storage


Social networking
Facebook Fan Pages
Ning Communities

Facebook Like
Add This

Ad Promotion
Linkedin Ads
Facebook Ads
Google Ads

Startup Promotion

Email marketing
Mail Chimp*
Constant Contact*

 Search for apps tools

The Toolkbox


Market Research
Google Insights

Keyword Research
Google Keywords

Traffic Research

Startup Threads

Haiku Deck

Customer service
Get Satisfaction


Event platforms


Women Focus
Women 2.0
Girls in Tech

Design/Front End:

Twitter Bootstrap: Include this in your website, and you are half finished. Add a class name to buttons, forms, quotes, etc. and they will instantly look pretty. No need to write your own CSS for everything, you simply do not have time. You can also easily create tooltips, Modals, dropdown menus, check out the Javascript Section it’s so sexy!

Subtle Patterns: Need background images? Subtle patterns give you a gallery of very subtle patterns. High Quality, and open sourced!

Cheat Sheets: Equip youself with HTML/CSS cheatsheets! Scan all the tags at once and see which one fits your needs!

Free Icons: Because Icons make your site beautiful.

LiveRoad: A Great IDE for design is very helpful. It’s helpful to find an developer tool that allows you to write html/css and renders the view in real time, so you don’t have to change -> save -> go to browser -> refresh.

Social Buttons: Want to add Twitter, Facebook, Google, buttons? Get them here.

Masonry: Create a pinterest like layout!

Cubism: Create TimeLine visualization of data.

Web Tools:

Here’s the exciting part! Let’s talk about tools and libraries that help you implement your Ideas faster:

Tokbox: That’s us! Use us to power any video chat applications (talkshow, education apps, collaboration, etc). We have an iOS SDK as well, for web-web, mobile-mobile, web-mobile video chat and video messaging.

Twilio: Need to call/txt get a phone number from your web/mobile application? Check them out.

Firebase: Are all your developers front-end engineers? No worry, just use Firebase to store all your data. No need for back end! Plus, their javascript Library is real time so you get notifications on any database update. Very responsive. If you don’t get beta access, just use the guest account and WIN.

Pusher / Need real time stuff? Chat apps, real time drawing, etc etc. Pusher and will handle all of it for you.

Stripe / Dwolla: Super Easy payment for your app. Use their api to handle payment related stuff. No need to worry about security and such.

Leaflet: Need Maps? Try Leaflet. Most devs go with google maps, but I personally like leaflet and I feel like it’s easier to use/develop with.

Rovi: Need Metadata for music/movie/actors, etc.? Rovi API has everything you need for information. Generate album/movie information on the fly!

Rdio: Want to add a music player on your website to play music? Rdio provides the music and the player via an API

Box: Need file storage (for physical files like mp3, flv, etc). Box API lets you store files dynamically!

Singly: Provides your app with your personal Data from foursquare, instagram, etc etc.

Sendgrid: Need to send email out to users? Use Sendgrid! They make sure that your emails never to go spam folders.

Mobile Tools:

If you are a web developer, you don’t have time to learn iOS or Java during the weekend. It’s better to use what you know already.

Phonegap / Appcelerator (Titanium) : Write mobile apps with HTML/CSS/Javascript. The are plugins available for almost everything. (Camera, video, and most of the APIs described above for web Tools)

Parse: Need real time push notification? Need a database/back end solution? Just use Parse! Did I also mention they also have a Javascript Library for your web application to interact with?


Launchrock: Website is not ready? Put up a LaunchRock Page and get your marketing working right away. When your website is ready, you will have users already!

VoiceBunny: Need a sexy voice-over for your videos? Send it to VoiceBunny!

Compare Ninja: Own your competitors by creating a Comparison Table quickly!

Something you need to do but not on the list? Tweet at me bro!


Sinatra: Super easy to use, the only drawback is that you have to learn ruby setup your database. I hate configuring stuff, so I usually use this as an option if I don’t need persistant information.

Meteor: If you don’t know any back end solution, learn Meteror. It’s the new way to code, and quite easy to learn. You can write back end code in javascript, one language conquers all!

Railscasts: If you’re not comfortable with rails, I wouldn’t recommend using it for the hackathon. It has a high learning curve. But if you insist, check out railscasts. Ryan Bates create screencast for just about everything you might want to do with a rails app.

Heroku: Deploy your app to heroku. It’s free, supports ruby, nodejs, static files, and a few other languages. Did I mention it’s free? You have nothing to loose.

Express: Express is built on NodeJS framework. If you’re using javascript backend, I’d rather take the time to learn Meteror. But that’s just me, you’re welcome to watch the getting started screencast for Express to see how you like it






Image manipulation



Presentation tools

Login System

Social functionality




Accounting, Taxes & Payroll

Invoicing & Payments

Subscription Payments / Management

Managing APIs

Web frameworks


Sharing & storing files

Image Galleries

Customer Relationship Management

Feedback and FAQ


Test- and Behavior-Driven Development

Collaboration Platform

Contractor Management

Code Hosting and Version Control

Social Media Tracking/Marketing

Browser Compatibility tools

Screenshot/screencast tools


Cloud Infrastructure


Loading Animations

Private beta invitations & management:

Scanning / Document Management

Ad Serving Technology

Project Management tools

Steve Blank’s Lean Startup Resources

Research, Web prototyping, Testing and Building Tools

Lists of Tools from Others


SEO and Analytics Tutorials

Analytics Tools

Search Engine Optimization Tools

  • AdGrok – Google adwords optimization tool
  • SEO DiggerFind the top ten keywords ranking to your websites
  • SEMRush – SEO and campaign management tool
  • Clickable – Pay per click management
  • Spyfu – tells you how much adwords cost
  • Market Samurai – SEO Keyword Analysis Tool

Online Marketing Suites

Email Blasting



On-line Communities

Wireframing Tools

  • jMockups – convert existing website into a mockup then redesign and share without editing any HTML/CSS
  • Balsamiq– rapid wireframing tool. Create software mockups in minutes
  • Mockflow – online/offline, extensible wireframing tool w/design library
  • OmniGraffle – it’s been around before the web even existed
  • JustinMind– define web and mobile apps with interactive prototypes
  • Wirify – turn any webpage into a wireframe
  • LucidChartCloud-based drawing tool
  • Axure – Wireframing, prototypes: buil-in widgets and shapes
  • HotGloo – Online Wireframing Tool
  • Mocksup – Share your web site mockups
  • Mockingbird – Mock it up and share web site wireframes
  • Protoshare – website wireframing
  • Free Wireframe templates for iPhone, iPad and Web
  • Wireframing Tutorial

Landing Page Tools

  • Unbouncecreate, publish & test promotion specific landing pages
  • Fivesecondtest– Landing page optimization

Website Tools

Mobile Testing/Build Tools

Billing/Subscription Management

Customer Support

  • Tender – support, knowledgebase tool for your site
  • GetSatisfaction conversations between companies / customers.
  • SnapEngage – live chat integrates with your apps
  • Zendesk – web help software
  • UserVoiceturn customer feedback into action
  • Kampyle – turn customer feedback into sales and relationships
  • Ideaffect – customer feedback, vote, comment, manage
  • Olark – live customer chat

Website Usability Testing

Website A/BTesting

Cloud Services and Tools

Web Development Tools

Hardware Resources/Tools

Project Management

  • Basecamp– web-based project management and collaboration tool.
  • Github – Free public repositories, collaborator management, issue tracking, wikis, downloads, code review, graphs
  • Pivotal TrackerAgile project management tool that enables real time collaboration.
  • Mercurial – free, distributed source code control management system
  • Bitbucket – free code hosting site for Mercurial
  • Preceden – simple way to make timelines for presentations
  • Milestone Planner planner for deadline or outcome driven environments.
  • AgileZenproject management visually see and interact with your work
  • KanbanerySimple online team or personal kanban board
  • LeanKit KanbanGreat for visualizing work of product development
  • Kanban Pad“Nice and lean” and free online Kanban tool
  • Banana ScrumA tool simple as Scrum itself.
  • Kanban ToolAnother Kanban tool
  • Acunote – Agile project management
  • Agilezen – Lean project management
  • Rally – agile product management
  • VersionOne – agile product management and Scrum tool
  • ScrumPadAgile project management tool collaborative product life-cycle
  • RallyDevAutomates Agile / Scrum development
  • 5pmOnline project management tool
  • GoPlan – collaborative project management
  • Unfuddlehosted project management solution for software teams.
  • LighthouseIssue Tracking Tool.
  • Bontqhosted bug tracking and project management needs.
  • – Collaborative Task Manager
  • Mavenlink – manage project communications, documents, schedules, budgets, payments
  • Industrial Logic – Agile eLearning

Misc Office Help

Freelance Help

Manufacturing Resources

Boilerplate Venture Funding Documents

List of Angel/SuperAngel Investors for entrepreneurs

Best of Y-Combinator Startup Advice

Raising Venture Capital

Founder Equity Issues

Incubator List/ Local Startup Resources/ Startup Q&A

Executive / Advisory Board Compensation



European Start-up Essentials

VC Cafe knows that as an entrepreneur you need all the help you can get. That’s why we gathered a collection of 20 online resources for European startups that will help you with business plans, recruiting, publicity and networking.

1. Seedcamp: They provide a catalyst for the next generation of great entrepreneurs, help them take risks, think big, and succeed. In other words they are entrepreneurs that help others like them succeed in their new business.

2. SVPG: They want to share senior level experience and best practices with technology companies. Their Partners all come from industry, where each has held senior level executive positions delivering industry-leading products. They are not career consultants-they bring experience to the table.

3. VC News: Dow Jones financial information service provides unparalleled reporting and analysis of the entire global venture capital industry, from fundraising developments to financings, liquidity events to people moves and other key developments at venture capital firms and portfolio companies in every industry and region.

4. Y Combinator: They provide a series of AA equity financing documents that are written with simpler words so start-up companies will have an easier starting point. Their goal is to make angel funding rounds for startups easier for both sides.

5. Network for small business, connecting entrepreneurs with each other, investors and service providers. It’s a video-based web site that provides a platform to help entrepreneurs succeed.

6. UCL Advances: UCL Advances stimulates collaboration among researchers, business and investors driving innovations that benefit society and the economy. UCL has built a reputation as a pioneer of collaboration between industry and academia.

7. TIE UK: TiE, a not-for-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals, TiE is an organization of industry professionals who share the common interests of promoting and fostering entrepreneurial efforts.

8. Regus: Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever they need to.

9. Business Link: They help Start-Up companies, Running businesses or companies that are looking to grow and develop how to manage their finances, employ people, find and keep costumers, taxes, tray internationally and many more.

10. NESTA: They invest in early-stage companies, inform and shape policy, and deliver practical programs that inspire others to solve the big challenges of the future.

11. Princes Trust: They are a UK charity company that helps young people overcome barriers and get their lives working.

12. British Library Business & IP Centre: Funded by the London Development Agency, the British Library supports inventors, small businesses and entrepreneurs from that first spark of inspiration to successfully launching and developing a business. The Centre offers free access to the UK’s most comprehensive collection of business and intellectual property information.

13. Growing Business: is the leading online resource for entrepreneurs. Their practical guides cover all the issues an entrepreneur like you will face when expanding your business. From raising finance to business strategy and going public, they have all the need-to-know information you require to become a successful entrepreneur running a rapidly expanding and profitable company.

14. BPS: Business Plan Services’ collaboration with the world-renowned London Business School reinforces its position within the commercial marketplace as the UK’s leading practice that is dedicated to providing full assistance with business planning.

15. Company Guides: They specialize in helping high growth companies and entrepreneurs seeking corporate finance advice and private equity investment. They also publish a detailed directory of sources of finance and advice.

16. Sturtuply: They help the right job seekers find you and make the whole team–building process as easy as possible.

17. CrunchBoard: They are a job board that gives you access to millions of technology and business savvy readers of Tec Crunch, Mobile Crunch, Crunch Gear and other top technology blogs. Also check

18. Dharmesh Shah brings his experience by this site that isfor and about software startups.

19. Startupslive: With Stratupslive It’s your chance to hear the people behind some the UK’s most successful businesses tell their stories and also network with fellow budding entrepreneurs and provide you with quality independently written, practical advice to help you start your own business.

20. The Funded: is an online community of entrepreneurs to research, rate, and review funding sources worldwide. In addition, allows entrepreneurs to view and share term sheets, to assist one other finding good investor, and to discuss the many facets of operating a business.

MORE: sources of information and awards for businesses based in Camden
www.g2i.orgOffers practical assistance to build technology businesses Business Services is a business consultancy company providing impartial advice
and hands on support to small businesses
www.bl4london.comBusiness Link for London is the small business support and advice service for London,
providing free, impartial and comprehensive advice to businesses to help them start up British Library is a one-stop-shop for business start-up information
www.lodestoneip.comLodestone Innovation Partners (IP) Ltd are spin-out specialists Plan Services (BPS) specialises in assisting clients with all aspects of effective
business planning hold free one-to-one monthly half hour consultations with experts in business
who help people interested in invention and innovation“My IP” – produced by the UK Intellectual Property Office promoted by IPAN – the Intellectual Property Awareness Network
www.livinginnovation.orgReveals how successful companies innovate Entrepreneurial Exchange
www.totallyabsurd.comFeatures America’s goofiest patents
www.businessownersideacafe.comSmall business ideas, grants and plans
www.firsttuesday.comA network for innovation and technology

Israeli Startup Essentials (under construction…)

1. IVC Online:  (offers a paid database of Israeli startups, funds and research publication)

2. Invest in Israel: The investment promotion center of Israel’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Foreign Trade Administration  (see industry reports and M&A summaries for the year)

3. MATIMOP: the Israeli Industry Center for R&D. A free online database of startups.

4. The Central Bureau of Statistics: a useful tool for research of population and reach.

5. Israeli Center of Incubators

6. Tnufa – Startup Promotion Program(Hebr

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed the read! Thank you for the post.
    I noticed a couple of user testing tools that aren’t listed…such as,, FullStory

    Hope these help!

  2. Nice post! Just an update – stopped their service a while back, sadly. My personal recommendation would be to go for as far as project management goes. This has been around for just as long as agilezen, but unlike them, it’s still going strong and is being developed. Also, 99.99% uptime is pretty nice.

  3. This list is good! I bookmarked it so i can come back to it in future. Consider adding StartupJohn ( to there as well. It is a website which you can submit your startup information and get a profile page with follow link within 48h of the submission time.

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