Month: January 2018

2 posts

Purpose is no longer a “nice to have”

Purpose used to be a “nice to have” for corporates and startups, that was usually tucked away in the CSR department. I know its not a fair generalisation as many companies have put significant efforts into giving back to society, but general business wisdom has put purpose, or any kind of “social mission”, at odds with the core goals of a corporation: to maximise shareholder value. 
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Roundup of 2018 AI Predictions

In this post I round up various AI predictions, not so much the ‘eye rolling’ apocalyptic ones, but the more practical view on how will AI progress next year. No need to mention that forecasting is not easy, and you have to take these with a big pinch of salt, but it’s still interesting to extend an imaginary line from an existing trend and see where it leads.