Nano-watchers will definitely want to keep an eye on Israel

Israel is on the nanotech map. A current snapshot shows that more than 30 Israel nanotech startups and over a dozen established firms representing over US $76 million in investment capital.
Israeli firms are developing nanotech applications in fields that are historically successful for Israel and are currently the subject of strategic focus by risk capital firms.

Source: Foresight
Explore the Israel NNI website for details;.

here are some of their assertions on why Israel is and will continue to be a player:

Israel’s small size and limited financial resources are serious challenges, but Israel’s academic, business and government leaders recognize nanotech as a key platform for ensuring Israel’s continued R&D excellence for decades to come. (read more on my post “Israel and Europe compete for VC money” )

Over 250 Nano Researchers Working in 7 Leading Fields.
Led by the Technion Institute and Bar-Ilan University, Israel’s six universities have added or assigned new researchers to nanotechnology studies, and this strong growth trend will continue. Read more on

Nanotechnology is a natural enabler for Israel. In fact, our small size is also our advantage — it means sharper focus, more efficient use of funds, fewer commercial obstacles, rapid prototyping and testing, and higher quality standards.

Areas of research include:

Nanomaterials– Israel today ranks first in the world for publication citations in fields related to these disciplines, according to the Philadelphia-based Institute for Science Information (ISI). (Learn more in my previous post on the technion study )

Nanobiotechnology -Of all nano-related disciplines, current research in this area is increasingly likely to be commercialized and marketed.

Nanoelectronics –Over 80 percent of Israel’s nanotech researchers are engaged in disciplines that contribute to nanoelectronics.

Water Remediation-In 2005, Israel opened the world’s largest saltwater reverse osmosis water treatment facility on the southern Israeli coast, confirming Israel as one of the most advanced ‘beta’ sites for water research.

Israel’s outstanding track record is just a hint of what nanotechnology will bring. Israel and nano are a strategic fit.

And from Lux Research’s Nanotech Nations Report dated October 2005: “Israel’s technology development strength puts it in the same nanotech league as the U.S. and Taiwan.”

The best is yet to come

Fully half of current nanotech research is in preliminary stages, suggesting that the bulk of Israel’s applied research will be undertaken only in coming years.
The small percentage of research in prototyping and commercial stages also sends a positive signal to potential investors: now is a good time to develop collaborative partnerships with Israeli academic and industrial players.

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Co Founder and Managing Partner at Remagine Ventures
Eze is managing partner of Remagine Ventures, a seed fund investing in ambitious founders at the intersection of tech, entertainment, gaming and commerce with a spotlight on Israel.

I'm a former general partner at google ventures, head of Google for Entrepreneurs in Europe and founding head of Campus London, Google's first physical hub for startups.

I'm also the founder of Techbikers, a non-profit bringing together the startup ecosystem on cycling challenges in support of Room to Read. Since inception in 2012 we've built 11 schools and 50 libraries in the developing world.
Eze Vidra
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